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    近代博学通儒王国维在其名著《人间词话》中写到,古今之成大事业、大学问者,必经三种境界:第一境界是 “ 昨夜西风凋碧树 , 独上高楼,望尽天涯路。 ” 第二境界是 “ 衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。 ” 第三境界是 “ 众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。 ” 对于创业者而言,需要从无到有、从小到大做一件事情,开创一番自己的事业,亦可将其同 “ 成大事业、大学问者 ” 相比,其历程也必经上述三重境界。

境界一 :“ 昨夜西风凋碧树,独上高楼,望尽天涯路。” 创业者在创业前期,最重要的就是目标的选择。好的开始是成功的一半,如果没有明确的目标,只凭一时的冲动,朝三暮四,要想获得创业的成功无疑于航船在黑暗的海面上行驶。这样的成功可能更多缘于侥幸,而这样的失败却是一种必然。诚然,创业方向的选择是一件令人困惑的事情,有时甚至带有很偶然的因素,但如果要成功必然需要扎实周全的前期准备:需要通过对环境的详细分析,找出环境对于自身的机会和威胁,从而可以趋利避害;要全面深刻认识自我,了解自己的优势与劣势,以便能够做到扬长避短。在分析了内外环境的基础上,高瞻远瞩,把握机会,确定方向,为成功创业引领正确的航向。

境界二: “ 衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。” 一旦确定了方向,创业者必须持之以恒,不懈努力,切忌临门一脚,而后悄无声息。创业要成功,必须按部就班,按照一定的步骤稳扎稳打,才能提高创业成功的几率。干了几天就没兴趣,或是遇到挫折就心灰意冷,或是不断更换目标,这都是创业的大忌。即使是好的项目,没有艰辛的付出也很难收获成功。再者,现在市场意识已经深入人心,大家都在搜寻好机会,轻轻松松获得成功的例子早已是明日黄花,在竞争如此激烈的市场中没有谁会随随便便成功。所以,此时的创业者需要知难而进、埋头苦干、不畏艰难、不怕冷嘲热讽、不怕失败、勇往直前。

境界三:“ 众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。” 当创业者经过不懈努力,所追求的事业获得初步成功的时候,他往往感到力不从心,自己的精力、知识都跟不上事业发展的需要了。随着事业的成长、规模的扩大,创业者不可能再做到像刚创业时那样事必躬亲、凡事都亲自过问了。这时候,创业者需要建立健全的规章制度,选拔使用优秀的管理者替代自己,依靠完善的制度,通过分权、授权,将一部分日常工作交给下属去做,而自己专心于研究企业的发展方向,进行战略性思考。这一境界要求创业者及早关注企业制度建设,学会选人、用人,知人善任,替自己分忧解难。

固定链接 | 评论(4842) | 阅读(25704) 2008-12-04 04:04:47
[匿名]Crypto.com login issues 2023-05-20 11:54:06
If you are looking for a secure and reliable exchange then look no further than Crypto.com login issues. Create your crypto.com login profile and then you can easily get your crypto assets insured. Although the platform faced a breach in 2022, it managed to maintain its reputation even after that.

[匿名]Metamask Sign in 2023-05-20 11:54:37
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[匿名]Gemini Exchange 2023-05-20 11:55:04
As cryptocurrencies are gaining popularity in the world and becoming a great option to invest for traders and investors. There are many centralized or decentralized exchanges emerging in the crypto market with the aim to provide a better, fast, more secure, and wide range of services. One such exchange is the Gemini exchange, a most popular crypto exchange that allows its investors or traders to purchase, sell, trade, and store various cryptocurrencies.

[匿名]Coinbase Extension 2023-05-20 11:55:46
Coinbase Wallet Extension has widened the pathway for investors to access their wallets. Investors can now access their wallets through the mobile app and the web as well. In addition to this, if they ever face a login or not working issue, then they can practice the same troubleshooting measures as they follow in the case of the Coinbase mobile app.

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[匿名]Curve Finance 2023-05-20 12:11:05
As the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ecosystem grows in popularity over time, more creative and powerful platforms are emerging to provide a better user experience. One such platform is Curve Finance which is a decentralized exchange (DEX). It has gained significant attraction in the DeFi world and is specially designed for stablecoins.

[匿名]Sign in Crypto.com 2023-05-20 12:54:57
CRO as we know is the utility token that is designed by crypto.com which comes with several perks and advantages. Cronos or CRO can be easily purchased through the Sign in Crypto.com exchange if you have created your profile over it.

[匿名]MetaMask Chrome extension 2023-05-20 12:56:04
MetaMask is a well-known reliable wallet which is used to hold and manage ETH-based tokens. It allows you to not only hold the displayed tokens of the ETH network, but you can also manage the tokens of other networks which are not displayed on your account.

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Because it allows users to buy, send, and swap coins and tokens, Download MetaMask is very useful for addressing the demands of cryptocurrency traders.

[匿名]Coinbase Extension 2023-05-20 13:39:46
If you picked a Coinbase Extension for the same purpose, you may already be aware of the value of creating secure Coinbase wallet login credentials.

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An Amazon marketing agency can play a crucial role in helping your brand succeed on the platform. With the vast competition and complex algorithms, navigating the Amazon marketplace can be challenging. However, by partnering with an experienced and knowledgeable agency, you can unlock several benefits that can significantly impact your brand's visibility, sales, and overall success. Here are some key ways an Amazon marketing agency can help your brand: Expertise in Amazon's ecosystem: Amazon operates on its own unique set of rules, algorithms, and advertising options. An Amazon marketing agency specializes in understanding and leveraging this ecosystem to your brand's advantage. They stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices, ensuring that your brand is utilizing the most effective strategies to maximize visibility and sales. Enhanced brand visibility: Standing out among millions of products on Amazon requires a comprehensive and strategic approach. An Amazon marketing agency can optimize your product listings by incorporating relevant keywords, compelling descriptions, and high-quality images. By using advanced techniques, such as search engine optimization (SEO) and conversion rate optimization (CRO), they can improve your product's visibility and attract more potential customers. Targeted advertising campaigns: Advertising is an essential component of success on Amazon. An Amazon marketing agency can develop and manage targeted advertising campaigns tailored to your brand's specific goals. They can leverage various advertising options, such as sponsored product ads, sponsored brand ads, and display ads, to increase product visibility, drive traffic, and boost sales. By optimizing keywords, bids, and campaign strategies, they can ensure that your advertising budget is used efficiently and effectively. Competitive analysis: Staying ahead of the competition is crucial on Amazon. An Amazon marketing agency can conduct in-depth competitive analysis to understand your competitors' strategies, pricing, and positioning. By gathering insights into their strengths and weaknesses, they can develop strategies that differentiate your brand and capitalize on untapped opportunities. This allows you to gain a competitive edge and increase your market share. Data-driven insights and analytics: Amazon marketing agencies have access to advanced analytics tools and resources that can provide valuable insights into your brand's performance. They can analyze data related to sales, customer behavior, and market trends to uncover actionable insights. By monitoring and interpreting this data, they can refine your marketing strategies, identify areas of improvement, and make data-driven decisions that lead to better business outcomes. Improved product listings and content creation: High-quality product listings and engaging content are key to attracting and converting customers. An Amazon marketing agency can optimize your product titles, bullet points, and descriptions to improve their visibility and appeal to potential buyers. They can also assist with content creation, including product images, videos, and enhanced brand content, to make your brand and products more compelling and persuasive. Enhanced customer experience: Providing a positive customer experience is crucial for building brand loyalty and driving repeat purchases. An Amazon marketing agency can help you improve your customer service and satisfaction levels. They can assist with managing customer feedback and reviews, addressing customer inquiries, and resolving any issues promptly and professionally. By fostering a positive customer experience, they contribute to building a strong brand reputation and increasing customer loyalty. Ongoing optimization and strategy refinement: Amazon is a dynamic marketplace, and what works today may not work tomorrow. An Amazon marketing agency can continuously monitor and optimize your campaigns and strategies based on performance data and changing market conditions. They can adapt to algorithm updates, consumer trends, and competition to ensure your brand remains visible and successful on Amazon. In summary, partnering with an Amazon marketing agency can provide your brand with a range of benefits. Their expertise in Amazon's ecosystem, targeted advertising campaigns, data-driven insights, competitive analysis, content optimization, customer experience enhancement, and ongoing optimization can significantly enhance your brand's visibility, sales, and long-term success on the platform.

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[匿名]Metamask Extension 2023-05-22 16:08:48
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[匿名]PayPal Login 2023-05-22 17:44:41
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[匿名]PayPal Login 2023-05-22 17:51:12
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